DSGVO: Neues Europäisches Recht

Datenschutz Grundverordnung der EU

Wir sind ein Kleinbetrieb und nicht in der Lage alle Aspekte der DSGVO abzuschätzen. Wir sichern jedoch zu, daß wir die Daten so verantwortungsbewußt nutzen wie auch wir dies von anderen erwarten. Um unseren Service zu nutzen müssen Sie deshalb nach DSGVO aktiv zustimmen, daß wir all Ihre Daten vollumfänglich nutzen und speichern und an Fremde Dienstleister wie unsere Steuerberater, unsere EDV-Dienstleister etc. weitergeben dürfen. Datenschutz-Beauftragter ist Oliver Fendt
Diese Einwilligung ist gem gesetzlichen Bestimmungen jederzeit widerrufbar.


Mit Nutzung der Website stimmen ich der Nutzung ausdrücklich zu.

Our conditions of admission


Students of Munich universities
(especially LMU, TUM and FH),
enrolled and under 27 years of age.

  • Munich University
    . e.g. TU, FH, LMU, University of Music or
    . Private universities: Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes only
  • .
  • Max 27 years old
  • Student ID max. 6 months old
  • .

Attention: No DAAD students. Further info from DAAD, who does not want to recognise our forms.


  1. Student ID of a Munich university
  2. Passport
If you do not have a student ID yet...,

this is usually not so bad, because the student ID does not have to be presented at the time of reservation, but only at the time of only have to be presented when you move in. So if you want to change universities.... you can make a reservation if you you are sure that you will be able to present your student ID or a comparable proof when you at the latest when you move in.

The contract is always concluded for a limited period of one semester. An extension is usually possible, as long as you are still enrolled - but must be done in good time (at least 80 days before the end of the before the end of the lease).

Interns/Diploma students

Interns/diploma students who are doing an internship in Munich as part of their studies at any university (including foreign universities). The maximum rental period for interns is 8 months. The age is limited to max. 30 years

  • University (worldwide) (also German university of applied sciences)
  • Max. 30 years old
  • .
  • Internship or Master's thesis or doctoral thesis in Munich (also surrounding area)
  • .
Needed are:
  1. Student ID (any university) from at least the last semester
  2. .
  3. Internship contract or diploma contract or similar from a company in Munich
  4. .
  5. passport